I have two upcoming workshops. The PCBSNR one is already sold out, and the System Sound one is getting there just a bit slower. A re-run of the PCBSNR one is loosely planned for later this spring, so if you want to know about that I suggest that you sign up to my email list. I guess you can follow me on instagram instead but I’m building up the resolve to just delete that shit and go 100% fediverse. You can help out by deleting your account <3.
If you follow my announce list you’ll already have heard about the discount on System Sounds. Just 10%, but it’s something. I want to get rid of the kits I have left before buying new boards.
Oh, a third way (from another big platform I don’t control) is to join my Discord channel. Not much activity (so far only in Swedish), but if people join it and talk I guess I’ll be more active or something.
I just released System Sound 3. It’s very good. Take a look for yourself. I can’t write it up here too. Just click the link.
Yeah this is a new website. It’s still just plain old HTML (apart from the shopify buttons+cart) but new and improved and better looking. Have a look around and let me know if you find something broken.