SUMMARY, November 2023
The campaign has ended, and was successfull. In the end, I sold 21 pcbsnr kits, ten of which were to a shop (and discounted), collecting 5200sek*, I'm happy about that! Thanks to everyone who helped and ordered.
This post was delayed a bit, due to me moving to a new flat and also having a deadline to complete. And also I waited for the invoice from Disarmament Solutions, I got it today (7th of november).
For transparency and clarity:
I was a bit unclear on what would go to pay for demining. First I said the profits would go to Disarmament Solutions, but later I decided that was silly and all the money would go there. But apparently I misplaced the text that explained that, and didn't post it. But I stand by it anyway; I won't deduct anything for parts. Neither will I consider the shopify fees or even VAT. I'll have to pay the VAT to Sweden later on of course, but the amonut paid for SNR kits will be the amount I send to disarmament solutions. However, the shipping cost is not included in this.
The Ukrainian embassy in Sweden sent me this thank-you-letter.
* actually it was around 5140 or something, I rounded up. At the time of writing (7th of november 2023) thats ~€444.
(original post below:)
Buy a noise machine – demine Ukraine
October 2023
DIY noise devices for Ukraine returns. From today and throughout October, you can buy a PCBSNR kit from me and all the money* will go to pay for demining kits from Disarmament Solutions.
Russia’s genocidal war on Ukraine is still ongoing. Russia is an enemy of you, your freedoms and way of life. They are attacking Ukraine right now, but they are openly threatening e.g. Finland, the baltic countries, Poland, and of course Sweden. Ukraine are fighting not only their enemy, but our enemy.
The best and quickest way to ensure a lasting peace and safety for the Ukrainian people is to arm Ukraine. But it’s a poor country, so they will need our help. With humanitarian supplies, generators, weapons, vehicles, drones, etc.
If you for some reason can’t stomach paying for weapons, perhaps de-mining is more your thing? Russia has mined Ukraine extensively, threatening not only Ukraine’s armed forces but also civilians and (in particular) farmers.
The ongoing counter-offensive is largely about crossing vast mine fields, meaning they need lots and lots of de-mining equipment. This need, and the threat of mines will remain for years, if not decades, after russia has finally been kicked out. The quicker the russians are thrown out, the fewer mines will they be able to spread out.
* I have boards and most parts already, so my parts cost is basically for the pots and the Radical Chip, ca €3.
I hope lots of people order, and I’m pretty broke right now, so I can’t afford to buy the parts if they do. I will cover Shopify s fees.
Disarmament Solutions are the people I'll be donating to. If you already have an SNR (or don't want one), by all means just donate yourself!
You can buy the kit here.
(you still can, but the campaign ended on the 1st of November 2023)
More information about the SNR here
As long as stock lasts, you can get one of these green ones. They are prototype boards which work exactly like the black ones. But they are green with gold plating. – I still have some green ones but I'm keeping them for who knows what.