


What is it?

The DIYSNRCVA (Do It Yourself Simple N Radical Control Voltage Adapter) is a series of simple adapters from audio connectors (6.35 or 3.5mm phone) to pins. They’re for use with the PCBSNR and SNR series of devices.

Adapters are available both by them selves or bundled with PCBSNR kits in the shop.

Close-up of a hand holding an adapter, a jack is connected via two wires to a small pcb.


• Two connectors

• Choice of big or small phone sockets

• Choice of pins or sockets on cable

• Pins/sockets for board included

• Random colour pairing

• Solid connection to plug using ring connector as strain relief

• works with both TS, TRS, TRRS cables


Quality jacks from Amphenol

0-5V CV


Assembly instructions (pdf)

Sound and image:

DIYSNRCVA release video (Youtube)

pin cables + 3.5mm option (image)

pin cables + 6.35mm option (image)

socket cables + 3.5mm option (image)

socket cables + 6.35mm option (image)

Safety and how to use:

The Radical Chip (PIC12F1840) has built in protection diodes. It wants 0-5V (when powered with 5V), sending a bit outside that won't kill it, but there is no point doing it on purpose. You can still destroy the diodes, they aren't magic and can only handle so much. Voltages more than 0.6V outside this range can cause latch-ups, meaning the Radical Chip will do strange stuff.

This adapter is passive, e.g. whatever you send is summed hard with the voltage coming from the pots (uness you add a resistor in series - hack away). It works fine with CV from an audio interface or CV sequencer, but note that the pots affect the result. This includes affecting the voltage being sent: turning the pot to the extremes will just delete the CV/audio you are sending. Good to know if it’s going to other places too.

The adapters enable a surprising bonus-mode, wherein an unpowered SNR can be powered from the control voltages. It acts very strangely, doesn’t react to button presses, and this only works with some knob settings. It sounds great!

Have fun. Noise is not about control.